Stamped is Nira Concept’s first project and it is selling greeting cards. The cards are all in Arabic and celebrate different occasions. It brings the usual Western culture of card giving to a whole different level by mixing it with Arabic phrases and Arabic transliterations of English phrases.
“ÓÊÇãÈÏ” åæ Ãæá ãÔÑæÚ <span title="I" m="" here="" to="" present="" nira="" concept,="" a="" new="" project-based="" approach="" creativity."="">“áäíÑÉ ßæäÓÈÊ” ÇáÐí ÓíÈíÚ ÈØÇÞÇÊ ÇáÊåäÆÉ. ÇáÈØÇÞÇÊ ßáåÇ ÈÇááÛÉ ÇáÚÑÈíÉ.
Twitter and Instagram: Niraconcept
To order: [email protected]