أخبار النوخذة - صحة - تجربتي مع عيادة برايت لطب الأسنان تجربتي مع عيادة برايت لطب الأسنان
No Its not a Typo! I’m talking about my experience with Brite Dental Center! About a month ago I passed by Brite Dental center as it was recommended to me by a friend at work and so I decided to give it a go as I have tried numerous different dental Clinics in Kuwait, and have done the same procedure (Scaling and cleaning) at all the different clinics I’ve visited. Initially I didn’t tell them I was from a blog, I wanted to see how much time I had to wait before my 5 PM appointment. The thing I hate with a lot of dental clinics is even if you have an appointment at lets say 7 PM you get to wait at least an extra 1/2 hour more than your appointment because they squeeze in as many patients as they can in a day. With brite I was about 10 Mins early and during those 10 mins, the attendants at the front desk asked me to have a seat and they gave me 2 different forms to fill out (first time). After I finished it was around my appointment time and I was taken into the x-ray room where my teeth X-ray was taken then to the dentist’s room which had an amazing view of Souq Sharq By the way!
Brite is conveniently located in Sanabul Tower which is opposite to Souq Sharq (Check out the google map location below)
When you first enter you’re greeted by the friendly front desk staff and asked to be seated in the registration’s waiting area. Here is the private waiting area where the patient’s details are recorded by the front desk employee. The view from all the rooms are an amazing view of Kuwait! Except for one room which is made for people who are scared of heights and has no windows! All of the rooms use state of the art equipment and have a screen which you can use to watch something you like or watch the doctor in action!
Each different room has a different setup depending on the patients needs and tools required for the procedures.
This is the room I was talking about earlier which is the one without the windows, but has a sky-decorated ceiling for relaxation.
This is another room (for the children) which is decorated in nice bright colors with a small separate waiting area where the parents can observe their child without him feeling that they are there. This is one of the tools that Brite were the first to introduce to the market which is a 3D scanner that’s connected to their in-house lab in case you need to make teeth molds. Here you don’t have to wait for a week, everything is done in house and in a small period of time !
Later, I was taken into the VIP platinum area, which included a small private very comfortable waiting area, with its private bathroom and seating area as well as a state of the art operating hall, where V-VIP customers and those who are shy being seen at a dentist can go!
My procedure: I did scaling and general cleaning – nothing too serious, It was a great experience overall, the doctor and nurse were very professional and took their time, the results were very satisfactory, and I will return to them for sure and highly recommend them! تعليقات
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